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Seamule Fishing Carts Now Available On Handtrucks2Go

Over the years, we at Handtrucks2Go have been searching for the best brands in the moving industry to partner with so we could offer our customers a wide array of quality products that will help make their jobs easier, faster and safer. With our strong internet presence, sometimes, these brands find us.

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Seamule, a lifestyle brand known for its compact and durable fishing carts that have been allowing many anglers across the country to conveniently transport and store their fishing gear.

Seamule fishing carts are made with corrosion-resistant materials and are guaranteed to last for years. One of Seamule’s most popular carts is its one-of-a-kind Wade Fishing Cart which floats on the water, allowing waders to bring their tools to their favorite fishing spot. Another well-loved Seamule product is its Pier Fishing Cart which is lightweight and very easy to assemble.

Anglers can customize their Seamule carts to their specific needs with several add-on options that are interchangeable between the carts including prep station, large pole holder, and wheel set.

If you’re looking for the perfect gift to give an angler in your family this holiday season, visit https://handtrucks2go.com/Seamule.html and check out Seamule’s products.

Below are some of the reviews from Seamule fishing cart users:

“Everything about Seamule screams awesome down to the carts and the founder’s passion for fishing. The entire idea of the Seamule is to make the painstaking task of dealing with your fishing gear a lot easier. Making actual fishing easier. Never going back to the old ways.” – Taylor Busche

“Go where boats can’t, Seamule has revolutionized how we wade fish. Sneak up on shallow water fish, easy to carry, easy to stow, customize you’re mule to fit you’re gear needs. Get ya a Seamule and change the way you wade fish.”
– Justin Greenhill

“Seamule is the only unique and useful thing in the fishing industry. It has helped me so much carrying around all my gear and easily slides into my truck or my moms car trunk. If you don’t have a Seamule cart your missing out on a whole new world. Brian Taylor, the founder of Seamule has so much passion for fishing and creating awesome inventions! Id suggest this cart to anyone and everyone out there.”
– Brooke Bailey

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