

Handtrucks2go offers you the best available prices on al Remin folding carts. They have been manufacturing heavy duty luggage carts since 1967. Kart-a-Bag is very proud of the quality of its products. Many customers report using their carts for 10 years or more with no problems at all. Accept NO imitations!!



Handtrucks2go offers you the best available prices on al Remin folding carts. They have been manufacturing heavy duty luggage carts since 1967. Kart-a-Bag is very proud of the quality of its products. Many customers report using their carts for 10 years or more with no problems at all. Accept NO imitations!!

Remin Kartmaster HD-500 with Shelves
Item: HD-500S

600 LB Capacity
Folds Up Very Nicely

Free Shipping On Remin Kartmaster HD-500 with Shelves FREE
Our price: $2576.99


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