Build Your Own Magliner Hand Truck

Build Your Own Magliner Hand Truck
some configurations of Build your own magliner hand truck

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If you always wanted to build your own hand truck design, here is your chance. Handtrucks 2Go brings you the best price on a customized Magline Hand Truck (please keep in mind that our price includes free shipping) with a starting price of $204.99 for the basic package. Extra charges for upgrades and optional accessories.

Click here if you need Magliner Replacement Parts. Looking for Convertible 2-4 wheel hand trucks? Click here.

• Ships Unassembled - Includes all hardware needed for assembly.
• 500 lb Capacity

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 Designing Your Hand Truck is easy:

    1. Choose a frame
    2. Choose a handle
    3. Choose a nose plate
    4. Choose your wheels
Add extra optional accessories.

Have a look at the instructional video to see how easy it is!

Please note, not all parts are compatible and you will see references to that effect as you scroll down the page. At the same time the system is set up to disallow a combination of non-compatible parts, so you may shop in confidence!
Just check off your choices as you scroll down the page!

Expand description
1Choose Frame
Choose Frame
No. 1
Included in Base Price
Straight backframe to support structure and support to hand truck.
Choose Frame
No. 1V
Additional: +$28.00
Straight lattice back for general use and transporting smaller packages.
Choose Frame
No. 5
Additional: +$26.00
Curved back* frame with molded cross members for transporting barrels and kegs.
*Bolted Frame
Choose Frame
No. 6
Additional: +$31.00
Two straight and one (bottom) curved back* molded frame. Ideal for transporting cases on tops of kegs.
Choose Frame
No. 5+86352
Additional: +$44.00
3 curved molded cross braces with vertical strap.
Choose Frame
No. C
Additional: +$36.00
Heavy duty stress resistant frame with straight back.
Choose Frame
Additional: +$86.00
Aluminum Construction
Frame with Panel.
Choose Frame
1+ 302020
Additional: +$94.00
Aluminum Construction, Carpeted Deck.
2Choose Handle
Please Note: The height of your hand truck is dependant on the handle that you choose.
Choose Handle
Included in Base Price
48" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$9.00
48" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$20.00
48" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$14.00
48" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$31.00
55" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$32.00
60" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$14.00
52" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$14.00
48" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$27.00
52" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$42.00
60" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$45.00
52" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$28.00
55" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$30.00
60" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$51.00
62" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$49.00
68" Height

Choose Handle
Additional: +$59.00
62" Height
Not compatible with frame #5 and #F.
Choose Handle
Additional: +$31.00
52" Height
3Choose Noseplate
Please Note: Noses - E1, E2, E4, G2, G4, K1, and K2 will not sit flush with Curved Frames in Step 1.
Choose Noseplate
Included in Base Price
Aluminum 14" x 7.5"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$15.00
Aluminum 18" x 7.5"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$63.00
Magnesium 18" x 7.5"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$25.00
Aluminum 14" x 7.5"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$25.00
Aluminum 14" x 9"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$61.00
Steel 14" x 9"
Side Cut-Outs Allow Flush Mount with Curved Frames
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$61.00
Steel 14" x 9"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$45.00
Aluminum 18" x 9.5"
Side Cut-Outs Allow Flush Mount with Curved Frames
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$45.00
Aluminum 18" x 9"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$49.00
Aluminum 20" x 12"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$41.00
Aluminum 16" x 12"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$53.00
Steel 18" x 9"
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$53.00
Steel 18" x 9"
Side Cut-Outs Allow Flush Mount with Curved Frames
Choose Noseplate
Additional: +$76.00
Aluminum 14" x 12"
4Choose Wheels
Choose Wheels
Included in Base Price
8" x 2.5" Puncture-Proof
Solid rubber hand truck wheel with one-piece polyolefin hub and semi-precision bearings.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$32.00
10" x 2.75" Puncture-Proof
Solid rubber hand truck wheel with one-piece polyolefin hub and semi-precision bearings.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$31.00
8" x 2" Puncture-Proof
Non-marking balloon cushion rubber hand truck wheel, with one-piece polyolefin hub and semi-precision bearings.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$41.00
10" x 2" Puncture-Proof
Non-marking balloon cushion rubber hand truck wheel, with one-piece polyolefin hub and semi-precision bearings.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$78.00
10" x 3.5" Puncture-Proof
Same feel as pneumatic, microcellular foam wheel with one-piece steel hub and semi-precision bearings
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$96.00
10" x 3.5" Puncture Proof
Same feel as pneumatic, microcellular foam filled microcellular foam whee wheel with three-piece off-set hub and semi-precision bearings.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$29.00
10" x 3.5" 2-ply rated pneumatic (air filled)
One-piece off-set hub and semi-precision bearings. Sawtooth tread pattern
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$44.00
10" x 3.5" 4-ply rated pneumatic (air filled)
Three-piece off-set hub and semi-precision bearings. Sawtooth tread pattern.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$23.00
8" x 1 5/8" Moldon Rubber Puncture-Proof
Die-cast hub and semi-precision bearings.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$58.00
10" x 2" Puncture Proof
Non-marking microcellular foam hand truck wheel. Flow-through design interlocks rubber, preventing run-off and scalping. One-piece HDPE hub resists chemicals, weather, and side impact.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$74.00
10" x 2.75" Puncture Proof
Non-marking microcellular foam hand truck wheel. Flow-through design interlocks rubber, preventing run-off and scalping. One-piece HDPE hub resists chemicals, weather, and side impact.
Choose Wheels
Additional: +$86.00
10" x 3.5" Puncture Proof
Non-marking microcellular foam hand truck wheel Flow-through design interlocks rubber, preventing run-off and scalping. One-piece HDPE hub resists chemicals, weather, and side impact.
5Wheel Guards:
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Wheel Guards:
Part# 301114K
Additional: +$25.00
8-1/2 inch x 2-1/2 inch wheel guards
Included in Base Price
Part# H - Upgrade
Additional: +$28.00
Upgraded Stress Proof.
Not Compatible With Wheel #815.
Ideal for heavy duty use such as dairy.
7Folding Noseplate Kit - Optional
Kit to allow nose plate to fold and lock.
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Folding Noseplate Kit - Optional
Additional: +$71.00
Only Compatible with Following Noseplates: E1, E3, G1, or G3.
Only compatible with Frames #1, 4, 5, 6, C

Kit with lock rod allows aluminum extruded noses to fold flush with frame when not in use. 500 pound capacity. Includes hinges, locking rod and hardware. Does NOT include noseplate.
8Stair Climbers - Optional
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Stair Climbers - Optional
Stair Climbers #C5
Additional: +$42.00
Cast magnesium sliders with replaceable low friction polymer skid bars. Tough and quiet.
Stair Climbers - Optional
Self Stabilizer - 2 Rollers
Additional: +$220.00
Complete stabilizer kit with multi-directional double wheels providing 360° maneuverability for controlled environments (warehouse, in-store).
For more details please view the video.

Stair Climbers - Optional
Self Stabilizer - 3 Rollers
Additional: +$265.00
Complete stabilizer kit with multi-directional triple wheels providing 360° maneuverability for more rugged conditions (route delivery, outdoor use).
For more details please view the video.

9High-U Frame Extensions - Optional
Frame extensions are only compatible with handles # 11, 12, 16, 19, 22, 60 in Step 2.
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
High-U Frame Extensions - Optional
Additional: +$21.00
Hi-U Extension 55"
Brings the height of the hand truck to 52" for taller loads.
High-U Frame Extensions - Optional
Additional: +$26.00
Hi-U Extension 55"
Brings the height of the hand truck to 55" for taller loads.
High-U Frame Extensions - Optional
Additional: +$27.00
Hi-U Extension 60"
Brings the height of the hand truck to 60" for taller loads.
High-U Frame Extensions - Optional
Additional: +$29.00
Hi-U Extension 62"
Brings the height of the hand truck to 62" for taller loads.
Not Compatible with Self Stabilizers in Step 5.
High-U Frame Extensions - Optional
Additional: +$32.00
Hi-U Extension 68"
Brings the height of the hand truck to 68" for taller loads.
Not Compatible with Self Stabilizers in Step 5.
10Folding Nose - Optional
Please note folding noses are not compatible with 1) the following toeplates: G4,E2, G2, K1, K2 in Step 3. 2)With Self Stabilizers in Step 5. 3) With Frame F Step 1.
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Folding Nose - Optional
Additional: +$89.00
24" x 12"
300 lb Capacity On Nose
Folding Nose - Optional
Additional: +$61.00
20" x 12"
300 lb Capacity On Nose
Folding Nose - Optional
Additional: +$67.00
30" x 12
300 lb Capacity On Nose
Folding Nose - Optional
Additional: +$71.00
22" x 12"
Carpeted Folding Nose

300 lb Capacity On Nose
Folding Nose - Optional
Additional: +$84.00
30" x 12"
Carpeted Folding Nose

300 lb Capacity On Nose
11Keg Hook - Optional
Please note keg hooks are only compatible with frame #5 in Step 1.
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Keg Hook - Optional
Additional: +$32.00
Stationary Keg Hook

Keg Hook - Optional
Additional: +$67.00
4" Sliding Keg Hook
For straight wall kegs.
Not compatible with handles: 15a,15c,60, and 36.
Keg Hook - Optional
Additional: +$70.00
5" Sliding Keg Hook
For barrel shaped kegs.
Not compatible with handles: 15a,15c,60, and 36.
12Accessory Bag - Optional
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Accessory Bag - Optional
Additional: +$67.00
13" long x 8" wide.
Perfect for hand held computers .
Accessory Bag - Optional
Additional: +$72.00
16 1/2" long x 12" wide.
Perfect for the vending industry.
Accessory Bag - Optional
Additional: +$77.00
18" long x 12" wide.
Perfect for food service splits.
Accessory Bag - Optional
Additional: +$92.00
29" long x 12" wide. Perfect for cleaning supplies.
13ID Personalization Strips - Optional
Includes 2 Strips, They Will Go On The Front and Back of 2nd Cross-Bar. Not Compatible with Frame#5 and #6.
No Thanks, I Do Not Want This Option
Additional: +$9.00
Additional: +$9.00
Additional: +$9.00
Fedex Ground
Additional: +$9.00
Fedex Express
Additional: +$9.00
Additional: +$9.00
Additional: +$9.00
Additional: +$9.00
Customized Strip-Selected
Additional: +$9.00
32 characters maximum. Enter your company name below.
Enter Your Company Name for Custom ID Strips if Selected:

Build Your Own Magliner Hand Truck - Reviews

Item - Customized Magliner
Our price - $204.99
Our price - $204.99

Customized Magliner
frame - No. 1 +$0.00
handle - #11 +$0.00
nose - #AA +$0.00
wheels - #825 +$0.00
Wheel Guards: - Not Selected +$0.00
Axle - Standard +$0.00
Folding Noseplate Kit - Not Selected +$0.00
climbers - Not Selected +$0.00
Hi-U Frame Extensions - Not Selected +$0.00
nose extension - Not Selected +$0.00
keg hook - Not Selected +$0.00
Accessory Bag - Not Selected +$0.00
ID Strips - Not Selected +$0.00

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